
Floating Offshore Wind: Operations and Maintenance and Vessel Requirements

Website visit Address Online Event Start July 27, 2022 - 10:00 am End July 27, 2022 -12:45 pm

Delivered by the Marinei2 Project, led by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult in conjunction with Cornwall FLOW Accelerator, the Discovery Room will be an introduction to O&M and associated issues for the floating wind industry within the Celtic Sea.

The Discovery Room is designed to:

  • Emphasise the size and scope of Floating Offshore Wind in the Celtic Sea area
  • Explain the multi-faceted nature of O&M
  • Explain the vessel requirements to service Floating Offshore Wind
  • Explore the future challenges and potentiality for innovation and provision of products and services from within the Celtic Sea region
  • Identify areas for deeper dive workshops to be held in person later in the year/2023
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