
Renewable Power Generation (RPG) 2022; Meeting net zero carbon

Website visit Address IET London: Savoy Place Start September 22, 2022 - End September 23, 2022 -

Climate change is real and we need to act urgently. Renewables are key on the road to a net zero future, but many challenges remain: scale-up, cost reduction, system operation with close to 100% renewables.

Leading figures from National Grid, EirGrid, BEIS, Scottish Power, Ørsted, ORE Catapult, Statnett, SSE, PRASEG and many more will be delivering an inspiring programme on how they are working to meet the ambitious deadlines demanded to reach a net zero future. Seize the chance to exchange opinions and ideas with industry leaders by registering today!


ORE Catapult Presence


Andrew Jamieson, CEO

Register here