
Market Analysis & Insights

Our Analysis & Insight reports are designed to provide you with relevant, actionable advice and insight on key industry issues. We cover a broad range of topics – including economic analysis, O&M best practice, maintenance strategy, financial modelling and research and technology development – all linked to ORE Catapult’s project and research activity and in response to key industry events.


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Offshore Wind Economics for Complete Beginners

Early in 2022, we’re launching a new online course exploring the economics of offshore wind, in collaboration with Ken Kasriel, Energy Economist, Educator and Wiley Finance Author. Click below to find out more and register your interest.

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Can O&M simulation tools guide cable topology selection?

Rising US offshore wind costs and what it could mean for 2023 UK bid rounds

Quantifying the benefits of tidal stream energy to the wider UK energy system

Extracting and Using Weather Time-Series Data for Offshore Renewable Energy Projects

Carbon footprint of offshore wind farm components

Initial Predictions for Offshore Wind Farms in the ScotWind Leasing Round

Setting a benchmark for decarbonising O&M vessels of offshore wind farms

Using floating offshore wind to power oil and gas platforms

The benefits of hybrid bottom-fixed and floating wind sites

What are Operations and Maintenance Simulation Tools?

Analysing Turbine Stop Events: Enabling Better O&M Decision-Making

Inspection Management Tools in Offshore Wind: Improving Safety, Efficiency and Compliance

Climbing the Digital Maturity Ladder: Data & Digitalisation in Offshore Renewables

UAV Approaches to Turbine Inspection: Reducing Reliance on Rope-Access

Autonomous Systems in O&M: Removing the Barriers to BVLOS Operations

Offshore Wind Subsea Power Cables: Installation, Operation and Market Trends

The Economic Value of Offshore Wind: Benefits to the UK of Supporting the Industry

Management of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Gas in Wind Turbine Sub-Structures

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