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Wind Wakes Webinar

Published 6 December 2023

What are wind wakes? Offshore wind (OSW) farm “wakes”, or trails of lower speed downwind that can reduce neighbouring farms’ generation, are a key emerging industry issue that goes to the heart of the available wind resource equation. It will become more evident if the number and size of closer-together farms grows unprecedentedly, as per ambitious national build-out targets.

During a recent briefing webinar, a forward-thinking, cross-disciplinary panel discussed the technical, regulatory, legal, and planning challenges associated with wind wakes between neighbouring offshore wind farms and across national boundaries.

It included discussions of:

  • Are governments thinking ahead enough about this?
  • Does it figure in marine spatial planning?
  • What is the best use of the seabed?
  • Are there laws to handle claims from “waked” parties for compensation?
  • Is there a role for treaties or private contracts?

The presentations can be downloaded at here

Wind Wakes: Briefing Webinar Speakers

0:00: Tom Quinn, ORE Catapult, Head of Analysis & Insights

4:35: Ken Kasriel, ORE Catapult, Energy Economist

18:57: the widely-published Nicolai Nygaard, Senior Lead Specialist at Ørsted

32:34: Eirik Finseraas, PhD Candidate in OSW Regulation at the University of Bergen, Norway

44:34: Professor KK DuVivier, University of Denver Sturm School of Law, and author of “Preventing Wind Waste” and other articles

55:42 Tim Pick, experienced energy and infrastructure lawyer, former UK Government OSW Champion, and present Chair of the UK’s OSW Growth Partnership

1:01:30 Stuart Gordon, Managing Associate at UK law firm Addleshaw Goddard

1:09:30 Panel discussion