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Here at the Catapult, we’re investing in critical areas of disruptive innovation with our engineering capabilities.

Our mission is to enable innovation and accelerate the development of offshore renewable energy, growing businesses and creating jobs throughout the UK. Our engineering team work with innovative UK companies to develop technical solutions to some of the key challenges facing the future large-scale rollout of the UK’s renewable energy. We’ve done this by setting up Centres of Excellence throughout the UK, focusing on innovation hotspots.


We have arranged our activities around key areas for future innovation that  will support the drive forward the development of the UK offshore renewable energy sector. These Centres of Excellence champion innovation in floating offshore wind, operations and maintenance, and robotics and autonomous systems.

Our Centres of Excellence include:

Floating Offshore Wind

In 2019, we established the Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence (FOW CoE) to accelerate the commercialization of floating wind within the UK.

Operations & Maintenance (O&M)

The Operations and Maintenance Centre of Excellence (OMCE) is a national hub for enhancing the UK’s world leading position in offshore wind operational performance and is a catalyst for innovation, technology, cross-sector collaboration and best practice to enhance safety, reduce cost and support the growth of UK O&M.

Robotics & Autonomous Systems

The Digital, Autonomous and Robotics Engineering (DARE) Centre is part of ORE Catapult’s National Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth, which offers a wide range of test and validation facilities, including market-leading wind turbine testing and still water dock test facilities for controlled robotic trials.

DARE Centre facility, Blyth, ORE Catapult

DARE Centre

Our engineers also work hand in glove with our supply chain programmes, to support UK businesses looking to capitalise on the opportunities offered by the growth in offshore renewables around the world. Our work is paving the way for further cost reduction and growth in installed capacity, all vital in tackling global climate change and decarbonising our energy needs.

Peter MacDonald

Head of Engineering, ORE Catapult



Small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are the innovation engine of the economy. For this reason, supporting SMEs to progress their technologies is a crucial part of our activities. Whether it is technology assessment, using our facilities for testing and validation, or collaborative research, we offer a wide range of support services.

SME brochure


Peter MacDonald

Head of Engineering