The Offshore Wind Innovation Hub (OWIH) is the UK’s primary coordinator of innovation, focusing on offshore wind energy cost reduction and maximising UK economic impact.
The hub presents UK offshore wind innovation priorities, supply chain growth opportunities and a comprehensive view of the funding landscape. The OWIH’s guiding principles are to be: impartial, giving evidence-based and objective in its activities and recommendations, inclusive, encouraging activities and convening project consortia without preference for any particular organisation, and trustworthy, delivering reliable, valid, accurate, and responsible information that can be trusted by the private and public sector.
Under the direction of the hub’s Technical Advisory Group, which includes senior technology leaders from all parts of the UK offshore wind supply chain, the hub is:
Consulting industry to define the sector’s innovation priorities;
Convening industry to respond to funding calls most effectively;
Promoting the industry’s priorities and successes through domestic and international platforms;
Informing government of sector priorities.
The Offshore Wind Innovation Hub’s roadmaps are advanced prioritisation tools that identify the innovation needs of the offshore wind sector. They have been built in collaboration with industry and academia and identify the key challenges and priorities for offshore wind. Visit the OWIH website to learn more.
Visit the website