Technology, Innovation & Green Growth for Offshore Renewables (TIGGOR) is a supply chain programme designed to boost growth and productivity in the North of Tyne and wider North East England region’s offshore wind and subsea sectors.
Funded primarily by the North East Combined Authority (NECA), the programme has been established to support the acceleration of businesses in the region’s burgeoning offshore wind and subsea sectors, as well as encourage market entrance of companies that currently do not operate in these industries.
The TIGGOR programme is delivered by ORE Catapult, EDF Renewables and Equinor. It is available to businesses located in the North of Tyne region. The TIGGOR programme aims to maximise future commercial investment in the supply chain via a technology demonstration programme to de-risk future investment. Technology demonstration support will provide businesses with technology assessment, advice and potential funding in the following areas.
The categories include, but are not limited to:
Smart O&M
Reliability, Optimisation, AI & Next Generation Sub-Components, Robotics, ROVs etc
Energy Systems
Hybrid smart energy systems etc
Advanced Manufacturing
Open Category
Cable Monitoring & Protection, Digital Twins and Data & others
The delivery partners for TIGGOR 2 programme include: