Independent and trusted, we are the UK’s leading innovation centre for offshore renewable energy. We have a unique combination of world-leading test and demonstration facilities paired with engineering and research expertise. It means we can convene the sector to deliver applied research, accelerate technology development, reduce risk, reduce cost, and enhance UK-wide economic growth.
We deliver our products and services in four main areas, which are Research, Engineering, Testing & Validation and Supply Chain Growth.
The Platform for Operational Data (POD) enables you to access and request data sets collected by us from our operational Levenmouth 7MW offshore wind demonstration turbine.
Find out moreThe COMPASS model is an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) simulation tool developed primarily for analysing various O&M strategies and comparing them in terms of OPEX, production-based availability and other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Find out moreThe SPARTA project is the leading service for benchmarking performance and reliability in offshore wind across the UK. It offers owners and operators of offshore windfarms the ability to understand and quantitatively compare themselves against their peers.
Find out moreIn an effort to boost the UK’s floating offshore wind industry, ORE Catapult has established the Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence (FOW CoE) to develop an internationally recognised initiative to reduce the cost of energy from floating wind.
Find out moreOur national Floating Wind Innovation Centre (FLOWIC) is dedicated to accelerating the commercialisation of floating offshore wind in the UK by de-risking the development and deployment of new products, services, technologies and businesses within the sector.
Find out moreThe Celtic Sea Cluster has been established to help drive market creation for floating offshore wind, accelerate supply chain readiness and develop a strategy for enhancing regional infrastructure.
Find out moreThe purpose of the MEECE collaboration is to support innovative companies in West Wales and the Valleys region to develop new products, processes and services for the offshore renewables sector. We carry out a range of collaborative innovation projects to support these technology developments at minimal cost to the company.
Find out moreOur state-of-the-art DARE Centre is the first of its kind in the UK and provides a unique opportunity for developers, researchers and wider industry to test, demonstrate and commercialise innovative digital and robotic products and services for the offshore renewable energy market.
Find out moreOur Operations & Maintenance Centre of Excellence (OMCE) is located in the Port of Grimsby, and builds on the Humber region’s energy heritage and extensive experience of servicing offshore wind farms. It is a national hub for enhancing the UK’s world leading position in offshore wind operational performance and is a catalyst for innovation, technology, cross-sector collaboration and best practice to enhance safety, reduce cost and support the growth of UK O&M.
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