Digital Services, Products for Renewables, ORE Catapult


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Offshore renewables projects are relentless producers of big data. While the sector’s turbines are generating clean electricity, a complex network of sensors and systems are generating and logging information about the condition and performance of everything involved – from the turbine’s blades and drivetrain, down to its bolts and even the heart rate of the technicians sent to make repairs. 


All of this data presents huge opportunities for project owner/operators to aid complex decision-making, but one of the industry’s key hurdles is a lack of specialist data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) expertise to exploit it. 


In response to this industry-wide issue, we have established a multi-disciplinary Data and Digitalisation team, comprising experts in computer science, data management, information systems, mechanical engineering and marine technology. Its focus is on addressing the main challenges in wind, wave and tidal data management, and investigating and spearheading new ways of processing and handling data to convert it into useful insight. 


POD, SPARTA & COMPASS are three data and digitalisation products and programmes that we offer at ORE Catapult. We have a team of experts in computer science, data management, information systems, mechanical engineering and marine technology who focus on addressing the main challenges in wind, wave and tidal data management, and investigating and spearheading new ways of processing and handling data to convert it into useful insight.


We offer data and digitalisation services to customers operating in, or wishing to enter, the renewable energy sector. Our mission is to support the renewables industry to become data-led, and to extract the full potential from data and digital technology. The Data and Digitalisation Team sits within the Catapult’s Operation & Performance directorate and can draw on vast experience across the business. 

Our services include:


Operational data analytics including machine learning and AI tools

Power performance assessment

Dashboarding and data exploration

Industry performance benchmarking


Access to operational data (see POD below)

Offshore anemometry hub and onshore met-mast


We are experts in the handling and analysing of data. Independent and trusted, we have the knowledge, skills and industry connections to develop new and innovative ways to process and manage data. We offer a number of data-driven services:


POD (Platform for Operational Data) enables users to access and request data sets collected from our 7MW Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine. We aim to support innovative research projects and product development through data provision to academics, researchers, and the wider community pursuing growth opportunities in renewables.

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The COMPASS model (Combined Operations and Maintenance, People, Assets and Systems Simulation) is an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) simulation tool developed by engineers here at ORE Catapult. It is intended primarily for analysing various O&M strategies.

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In oil and gas, it’s common practice to share data and benchmark so that companies can find out how they’re performing against competitors. At ORE Catapult, we developed the SPARTA (System Performance, Availability and Reliability Trend Analysis) platform, where we are making real-world operational data publicly available.

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'Optimising the Future' looks into our Data & Digital Services at ORE Catapult, from the rise of the machines to benchmarking for success.

“ORE Catapult is spearheading the digital transformation in the offshore wind, wave and tidal sectors. By working with industry large and small, and forming connections between data owners and the innovative technology suppliers who can unlock hidden value from the oceans of information that is generated, ORE Catapult is at the forefront of helping the industry become more data-led.” Tom Hall – Team Lead Fleet Analysis, E.ON Climate & Renewables.

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