
Dr Oliver Nixon-Pearson

Senior Blade Manufacturing Research Engineer
+44 (0) 1670 357669

Oliver joined ORE Catapult as a Manufacturing Research Engineer after working with the University of Bristol’s Composites Institute (ACCIS). He completed his MSci in Chemistry, before joining the Centre for Doctoral Training within ACCIS and completing his PhD in the fatigue characterisation of notched composite materials for aerospace applications.

He went on to pursue further post-doctoral research interests within ACCIS on the characterisation and mitigation of manufacturing defects in composites to include wrinkles, voids, and gaps and overlaps consistent with automated fibre placement (AFP) and autoclave processing conditions.

He was also responsible for the University of Bristol’s interests in X-ray Computed Tomographic imaging capability at the National Composites Center (NCC) and was among the first to introduce segmentation from CT scans to fracture analysis. His tenure at the University of Bristol resulted in many high-quality research papers in top journals in the field.