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ORE Catapult responds to ScotWind announcement

Published 17 January 2022

Commenting on today’s announcement from Crown Estate Scotland on the results of the ScotWind leasing application process, ORE Catapult Chief Executive Andrew Jamieson said:

“The results of this first Scotwind auction are huge. 25GW of offshore wind, or almost two and a half times more than the total so far deployed in all UK waters, demonstrates extraordinary ambition and could make a seismic, positive shift in Scotland’s journey to Net Zero. It presents a once in a generation opportunity for Scottish innovation to come to the fore and drive economic and supply chain growth and job creation. That such a significant portion of the anticipated new projects should be floating wind positions us at the global forefront of this transformative new technology, and ORE Catapult very much looks forward to working closely with the potential industrial participants, the Scottish Government and Crown Estate Scotland to realise the massive opportunity.”