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ORE Catapult response: INTOG leasing round

Published 24 March 2023

Crown Estate Scotland has announced the results of the INTOG (Innovation and Targeted Oil & Gas) leasing round which aims to attract investment in innovative offshore wind projects in Scottish waters, and help to decarbonise North Sea operations.

Ralph Torr, Head of Floating Offshore Wind at ORE Catapult, said:

“Today’s news is a big vote of confidence in Scotland’s ability to attract investment for innovation that will drive down the cost of floating offshore wind.

“It is especially pleasing to see five new innovation scale projects come through the process. These will help to expand our understanding of how to make the most of floating wind development in Scottish waters, with the potential to accelerate cost reduction through the validation of new technologies, as well as accelerating supply chain capability, creating valuable opportunities to optimise project development, and improving our understanding of environmental interactions.

“At ORE Catapult, we are already supporting this journey with our industry partners through our work in the Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence.

“The deployment of floating offshore wind to decarbonise oil and gas activities in the North Sea will also play a key role in accelerating the deployment of floating wind and the broader energy transition, and our work with industry partners through the WINTOG programme will help to develop solutions that can be deployed in a timely fashion to deliver emission reduction targets.”

Find out more about the leasing round results at INTOG: 13 projects selected to support green innovation and help decarbonise North Sea – News – Crown Estate Scotland