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ORE Catapult’s impact packs a real punch for UK’s offshore renewables industry

Published 31 October 2016

More than 200 companies have benefitted from the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s world-leading test and demonstration facilities, and their deep knowledge and expertise in engineering and research, according to a new report launched today (Monday 31 October).

Impact Report: Business Review 2015/16 highlights some of the technology innovation and research centre’s key activities and successes in 2015/16, and sets out its plans to continue to play a key role in delivering affordable, secure, low carbon energy for the UK.

Highlights this year have included its acquisition and subsequent development of R&D activities at the Levenmouth 7MW offshore wind demonstration turbine and the testing and validation of strategically important innovative new technologies such as the AR1500 tidal turbine. Also, the development of new, innovative testing methodologies including dual axis blade testing, and its success in convening industry and academia in a number of joint collaborative programmes to address specific industry needs.

Overall, the Catapult has invested £5.7 million in collaborative projects and programmes designed to address specific industry needs and lays claim to a number of industry ‘world firsts’, including the first benchmarking platform for offshore wind turbines, operating the world’s largest indoor blade test facility, and the first accelerated lifetime testing of 66kV subsea cables.

“Across all our areas of operation, we have worked hard to make a tangible difference to this rapidly maturing industry,” said Andrew Jamieson, ORE Catapult’s Chief Executive.

“We have now become the ‘go to’ organisation for industry testing and demonstration and have invested heavily in collaborative projects and R&D designed to address the specific needs of the sector. Going forward, we will continue to focus on delivery, on people, and most importantly innovation as we look forward to making an even greater impact in the years ahead.”