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Quantum leap for Levenmouth Academy bright spark

Published 6 August 2020

Levenmouth Academy pupil Cailyn Calder has always set her sights high and, with sparkling exam results now under her belt, she’s heading to Glasgow University to read a Masters Degree in Physics, supported by the first ever ORE Catapult Aspire Bursary.

Cailyn achieved straight As in four Advanced Highers – Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Computing Studies.

The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, which operates the Levenmouth Offshore Wind Turbine for research and demonstration of innovative new technologies, has partnered with Levenmouth Academy to support their STEM curriculum since 2016. The newly introduced Bursary will provide both financial and mentoring support to the highest achieving students going on from Levenmouth Academy to study STEM subjects in Higher Education.

Levenmouth Academy Headteacher Ronnie Ross said: “We are so proud to see Cailyn awarded the ORE Catapult Aspire Bursary, and to move on to one of the best Universities in the world to follow her dreams.

“She embodies our school motto of ‘Learning to Achieve your Personal Best’, not only through her own academic excellence but also being a leading light in our ‘Girls in STEM’ initiative. She can be an outstanding academic role model to others while promoting this potential career pathway to younger girls in our school community”.

Cailyn said: “I am excited to be studying Physics at the University of Glasgow this year. I’ve always been keen to find out how everything around me works, so I can’t wait to really study the subject in detail.

“I’m so honoured to be receiving the first ever ORE Catapult Aspire Bursary to help me with my goals. I am also excited to return to my school and hopefully inspire the younger students to make the most of school and achieve as much as they can”.

Two further Levenmouth Academy pupils have also received recognition for their performance in STEM subjects. S5 pupil Amy Henderson, who also achieved straight As in her Highers, was awarded the Senior Phase Academic ORE Catapult ‘Excellence’ Award 2020, while S3 pupil Carli Smith received the BGE Academic ORE Catapult ‘Excellence’ Award 2020.

ORE Catapult Marketing and Communications Director, Charles Thompson, said: “Our world needs engineers, scientists, innovators, and the Catapult is delighted to support Levenmouth Academy pupils in the critical STEM subjects. Huge congratulations to the pupils who have won these awards, and we look forward to supporting Cailyn throughout her University career”.