

G+ Safe by Design workshops

Published 13 June 2018

Improving Health & Safety in the offshore wind industry


The Safe by Design workshop concept was initiated by The Crown Estate in 2012 and a number of workshops were held. In 2014, in response to the growing recognition of the G+ as a health and safety authority on offshore wind issues, the Crown Estate requested the G+ to take ownership of the Safe by Design initiative and develop the workshop programme around their risk profile.

The purpose of each workshop is to explore the current industry design on a particular topic/risk area and to investigate improvements in the design phase of an offshore wind farm project that will lead to a reduction in the number of incidents and to improvements and efficiencies in Health and Safety performance.

Our role

Prior to the Safe by Design (SbD) workshops, we worked with the G+ to design a format and methodology to suit the workshop’s content. The workshops are held throughout Europe, with ORE Catapult facilitating them and reporting the workshop’s findings. The reports are published by the G+. To date, we have delivered three Safe by Design workshops covering wind turbine generator lifts, davit cranes and access/egress.


The objective of the SbD programme is to fully engage the offshore wind industry and identify key recommendations that can be realistically implemented by the G+,  with the aim of continually improving the H&S performance in the offshore wind industry.

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