Published 13 June 2018

The System Performance, Availability and Reliability Trend Analysis (SPARTA) platform supports improvements in the availability, reliability and performance of offshore wind assets, which will drive efficiency improvements, cost reduction, sector innovation, investment and development.

The Challenge

Operational data is collected across 88 key performance indicators at a system level (from blade to onshore substation), analysed and reported upon monthly, allowing individual performance to be benchmarked against the industry standard for the first time. This enables participating owner/operators to identify operational improvements and cost reduction opportunities at both company and sector-wide levels.

SPARTA enables participating owner/operators to identify operational improvements and cost reduction opportunities at both company and sector-wide levels.

The Solution

ORE Catapult designed and built the online SPARTA benchmarking platform, and along with The Crown Estate, supports the operation of the system, using its independent and trusted partner status to provide anonymised benchmarked analytics and insights to project partners.