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The Economic Opportunity for Robotics in Offshore Wind and Key Energy Markets

Published 21 September 2021

Robotics and autonomous systems (henceforth, we’ll shorten to ‘RAS’) are set to become a critical component in the safety, cost reduction and efficiency of offshore wind farm operations. They will play a key role in the safe and cost-effective operation of increased numbers of offshore wind turbines, operating in deeper waters and more challenging conditions further from shore.

The potential for robotics is huge, with applications across the offshore wind value chain, including site survey and consenting, installation, operations and maintenance and decommissioning. This presents significant opportunities to technology developers, SMEs and innovators; not just to serve the rapidly growing UK market but also to export innovation to offshore wind markets around the world.

In this desk-based study of the potential for robotics and autonomous systems in four key energy markets (offshore wind, onshore wind, nuclear and oil & gas), we provide indicative market sizes for the coming decades.

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