
ORE Catapult Reports

Decommissioning Case Study: Circular Economy in the Wind Sector – Materials Mapping

Supply chain capability requirements for UK Floating Offshore Wind Farms

Offshore Wind Supply Chain Confidence Survey 2023

Assessment of vessels required to serve floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea

Forecasted hydrogen demand from vessels required to serve floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea

Role and Value of Tidal Stream Generation in the Future UK Energy System – Further Sensitivity Studies

Accelerating Offshore Wind – The Role of Innovative Technology in Decision Making and Faster Consenting

Offshore emerging renewables in Wales: The Opportunity for the South Wales Industrial Cluster (SWIC)

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Innovation in Low Carbon Design & Manufacturability – Report 2

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Innovation in Low Carbon Design and Manufacturability.

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Reducing Carbon Emissions from Floating Substructures

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Reducing Carbon Emissions from Towers

Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom: Enabling activity for multi-GW offshore wind and hydrogen deployment in the Celtic Sea

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Mooring and anchoring systems

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Optimised cable connection options for floating offshore wind

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Exploring the potential interactions between floating offshore wind and hydrogen

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Reducing carbon footprint of floating foundation manufacturing – Literature Review

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Reducing carbon footprint of tower manufacturing – Literature Review

Cornwall FLOW Accelerator: Wind turbine blades design and manufacturing, current state-of-the-art literature review

Offshore Wind Supply Chain Confidence Survey 2022

Cost Reduction Pathway of Tidal Stream Energy in the UK and France

End of Life Materials Mapping for Offshore Wind in Scotland

UK Manufacturing Technology for Next Generation Turbines – JOULE CHALLENGE

The Economic Opportunity for Robotics in Offshore Wind and Key Energy Markets

Offshore Wind Operations & Maintenance: A £9Bn Per Year Opportunity by 2030 for the UK to Seize

Energy Transition Alliance Blade Recycling Report – Summary

Energy Transition Alliance Blade Recycling Report – Full Version

Reimagining a Net Zero North Sea: An Integrated Energy Vision for 2050

Offshore Wind and Hydrogen: Solving the Integration Challenge

Floating Offshore Wind Constraint Mapping in the Celtic Sea

The WASP Report and Roadmap: Autonomous Ships in Offshore Wind

UK Offshore Wind Industry: Operational Contingency Planning Group

Benefits of Floating Offshore Wind to Wales and the South West: Supply Chain Report

Operations and Maintenance Modelling of Floating Hybrid Systems

Tidal Stream: Opportunities for Collaborative Action

Net Zero – The UK’s Contribution to Stopping Global Warming: Committee on Climate Change Report May 2019 | Summary Briefing

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