
Claire Canning

Programme Manager - OWGP

Claire joined the Catapult in October 2017 and is the Programme Manager for the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP),  focusing on grant funding programmes that will support UK companies to unlock new growth opportunities in the offshore wind sector.

Her key responsibilities involve developing and delivering support initiatives that will enable UK offshore wind supply chain companies to grow and become more competitive.

Claire’s previous role as Project Development Manager enabled identifying innovative technologies, products, and services with the potential to reduce the costs of operating offshore wind farms and contribute to economic growth.

Prior to joining OWGP, Claire completed her Engineering Doctorate with the Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE).  Sponsored by EDF Energy, her EngD thesis focused on corrosion and biofouling of offshore wind monopile foundations. Claire also has a background in marine biology and conservation. Claire is deeply passionate about the UK offshore wind sector and creating growth opportunities for the UK supply chain.