All ORE Catapult procurement exercises are conducted through our procurement portal, ProContract.
To receive notifications regarding future tender opportunities, Please Click Here To Register For An Account free of charge. User guides are available on the portal. If you are already registered, please ensure your contact information is up to date.
We have standard terms and conditions for contracts with our suppliers, and a standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ), which are set out in the following documents:
See our procurement process for more details.
As a private sector research and development organisation that receives some public funding, it may be a requirement as part of a grant funding agreement, that we comply with public contracts regulations for some of our requirements.
Payment Compliance Notice
In compliance with regulation 69 of the Procurement Act 2023, click here to see information for the 2023/2024 financial year regarding the percentage of invoices paid by ORE Catapult within 30 days.