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Welcome to the ORE Catapult website. We are committed to ensuring our site is accessible to all users. This page provides information on the best system, browser, and settings to view our website.



Best System to View the Website

Our website is best viewed on a modern operating system such as Windows 10, macOS 11, or any recent version of Linux. Ensure your system is up-to-date for the best experience.



Recommended Browser

We recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience. Chrome is known for its speed, security features, and excellent support for web standards, which ensures compatibility with our site.



Browser Settings

For optimal viewing, ensure your browser is updated to the latest version. You can download the latest version of Google Chrome here.



Best Zoom Options

To adjust the zoom level in Chrome, you can use the following methods:

  • Press Ctrl and + to zoom in.
  • Press Ctrl and to zoom out.
  • Press Ctrl and 0 to reset the zoom level to default.

On macOS, use the Command key instead of Ctrl.



Text Size and Contrast

If you need to increase text size, you can do so in Chrome by going to Settings > Appearance > Font size. Choose a larger font size from the dropdown menu.

For improved contrast, you can use Chrome extensions such as High Contrast.



Screen Reader Compatibility

Our website is compatible with screen readers such as JAWS and NVDA on Windows, and VoiceOver on macOS.



Contact Us

If you experience any issues accessing the site or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at We are here to help and improve our accessibility continuously.