
ETZ Floating Offshore Wind Masterclass

Website visit Address The Marcliffe Hotel & Spa, Aberdeen Start February 8, 2023 - 9:00 am End January 1, 1970 -4:30 pm

About the Event:

The floating offshore wind (FOW) sector has recently gained huge recognition globally as an attractive market. The UK and Europe are paving the way with its operational capacity, with new proposals rising in Scotland, France, Norway, Spain, Greece, Italy and Sweden – contributing to the formation of the UK and Europe’s large pipeline of commercial developments.

With most offshore wind locations not suitable for bottom-fixed projects, novel technology is continuing to progress towards commercialisation. Scotland has recently awarded 25 GW in its ScotWind Auction, with Crown Estate Scotland selecting more than half of the total capacity for Floating Wind Farms.

In this masterclass we will hear more on the developments of FOW projects in Scottish waters, while also inviting successful ScotWind seabed leasing round bidders to discuss the variety and scale of their projects as well as supply chain information and opportunities that companies should be aware of.


In Partnership with ORE Catapult.



ORE Presence:


Speaking slots:


Session One: Scene Setter


09:50 – 10:05 ORE Catapult – Innovation Centre

  • Ralph Torr/ Hugh Riddell, ORE Catapult


ORE Attendees:

Ralph Torr

Hugh Riddell


Register here