Dr Stephen Wyatt

Dr Stephen Wyatt

Director of Strategy and Emerging Technologies

Stephen joined the Catapult in December 2013 as strategy director, bringing considerable experience in the low carbon arena, most notably in his previous role as director of innovation at the Carbon Trust, where he played a key part in writing the business plan and strategy for ORE Catapult.

At the Carbon Trust, he was responsible for managing a portfolio of innovation activity in offshore renewables, biomass heat and industrial energy efficiency, and managed issues relating to both government and industry. He was also previously the head of marine energy, leading a team that designed the Carbon Trust’s wave and tidal energy activity via a series of programmes to prove and develop marine energy and shape government thinking.

Prior to joining the low-carbon industry, Stephen spent three years as materials development engineer at Cosworth Racing Limited, where he led a number of long-term development projects and sourced solutions to in-service problems for the Jaguar Racing Formula 1 engine programme.