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ORE Catapult welcomes £60m boost to UK floating wind

Published 25 January 2022

Responding to an announcement today from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of a £60 million funding boost for the UK’s floating offshore wind industry, Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult Chief Executive Andrew Jamieson said:

“This is a really welcome joint investment by the UK Government and industry to use research and innovation to drive forward the strategic development of floating offshore wind here in the UK. Recent floating wind leasing announcements from ScotWind, and in the Celtic and North Seas, present an unprecedented opportunity for UK innovation to come to the fore and drive economic and supply chain growth and job creation. The sheer range of innovative technologies and collaborative partnerships that will benefit from this new investment firmly positions the UK as the global leader in this transformative new technology. We’re excited to be working closely with our partners in many of these projects to realise the huge opportunities this technology presents as we strive to achieve our Net Zero ambitions.”