
Published 28 April 2023

Ilosta aims to improve the quality and accuracy of a wind turbine’s structural health. This is achieved through examining the structure and extending its lifespan by providing greater details of existing defects and damages.

To do this, Ilosta uniquely combines fracture mechanics and AI to predict the extent of defects; this is based solely upon surface visual inspection with no human interaction required. Ilosta’s innovative technology minimises costs and time, as well as any risks associated with the monitoring the health of engineering structures.


Ilosta’s technology is the first of its kind and provides an accurate 3D model of an asset to accurately report the damage. Ilosta can deliver a detailed analysis of any damage or fatigue without the need for manual inspection. This offers wind turbine owners and operators a cost-effective and time-saving tool that significantly improves the data analysis procedure.

Ilosta has utilised testing facilities at Blyth to further validate its software. This has allowed the team to gather significant information regarding data capture and how to further improve their technology to assist their customers.

Leading the way with ORE Catapult

The national Launch Academy 2022 programme helped Ilosta with product validation and data provision, as well as providing the team with a network of potential customers, and industry and business experts.

Tony Hamill, Business Development Executive at Ilosta, said: “Launch Academy has been an incredibly valuable experience for the company. We were hopeful the programme would assist us with our technology, but the outcome has far exceeded our initial expectations.

“Since starting the programme with ORE Catapult, we successfully secured Scottish Enterprise Smart Grant funding, our team of experts has grown to five full time members of staff and we have moved significantly forward on our journey towards commercialisation and linking with industry partners.”


Chris Del Valle

Chris Del Valle

Innovation Manager - Accelerators