
Published 20 November 2023

About Verlume

Founded in 2013, the company was initially established around developing a tidal energy device and advancing renewable marine technology. On recognising the challenge of integrating energy storage with intermittent renewable power generation, the company pivoted its focus towards energy management and storage by creating their flagship Halo battery energy storage system that sits on the seabed.

Verlume’s vision is to be a global company at the forefront of the energy transition delivering innovative technologies that can change the energy landscape towards a sustainable solution.

The technology

The company has developed and marketed an underwater intelligent energy management and storage system called Halo, helping to decarbonise oil and gas production, and facilitating Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) using renewable energy sources.

Using Halo as a base, Verlume has developed a multi-MW hour battery system that will be marketed to the offshore wind sector, as well as developing compact, rechargeable subsea battery packs to provide seabed monitoring over long periods of time.

For offshore wind, Verlume provides 35 kWh battery packs (or multiples thereof) to enable long duration seabed monitoring for stationary systems as well as fully integrated Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) charging stations for extensive surveys without the need for a vessel. The company is also currently working on a project for a multi-MWh underwater battery system, linked directly to an offshore wind turbine – to allow multiple services from the same system.

On the seabed, there is a stable temperature with a ‘natural cooling system’ created by the sea water. In this environment, resources are not required for cooling systems, reducing environmental impact and the need for human intervention. Placing the battery system on the sea floor also means it is protected from harsh surface weather conditions and doesn’t interfere with activity on the surface. No moorings are required and no costly support structures.

Verlume’s IP is centred around the fundamental basis of the Halo system – its intelligent energy management system named Axonn.

Why is this technology needed?

Renewable energy generation is by its very nature intermittent, and Verlume provides energy storage at the generation site, providing a stable and reliable power source based on renewables.

How did you get involved with ORE Catapult’s Launch Academy?

As a company, we were looking for ways to find out more about the offshore wind industry, particularly market research knowledge, pitching our new technology to the offshore wind market and developing relationships with potential clients.

As part of the structured and comprehensive Launch Academy programme, team members have had the opportunity to present Verlume’s offshore wind technology to several developers who have provided feedback.

There have also been engaging presentations on a variety of topics to further develop the team’s knowledge of the market and develop specific skills related to technology-pitching.

We would like to further our engagement with the offshore wind community and the introductions that we’ve had through Launch Academy are highly valuable to us.

Success so far…

In February 2023, Verlume’s Halo underwater battery was connected to a Blue X wave energy converter, built by Mocean Energy, 5km off the east coast of Orkney, Scotland.

The four-month test programme proved that renewables could power subsea equipment, employing intelligent subsea battery storage to manage inherent intermittency and deliver a continuous power output through the batteries.

Tests were also conducted using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) provided by Transmark Subsea, that included having a docking station integrated onto Verlume’s Halo system to create a charging point and communications link to the surface, via the Halo, through the Blue X system.

Following the success of the tests, the programme was extended, and the technology will remain in the water for further testing until spring 2024, capturing valuable performance, reliability and survivability data.

Where do you see the company in five years’ time?

Verlume is an internationally ambitious company, with a mission to make things possible today that were impossible yesterday. In five years’ time, we would like to see our Halo system as the de-facto solution for stabilising power from offshore wind turbines – implementing our systems on multiple offshore wind farms and also retrofitting these to existing offshore wind turbines to help address curtailment, through stabilisation of power to electrolysers or other long duration storage systems. The company will also continue to be innovating and exporting intelligent energy management products worldwide to decarbonise offshore assets.


“Launch Academy has provided a very comprehensive programme spanning the development of IP to businesses cases, marketing, the importance of diversity within businesses and much more. The range of learning opportunities has been extremely valuable. Having access to potential customers, as well as dialogue with offshore wind developers has also been excellent. To top it off, the calibre of the participating companies has been extremely high with the ability not only to learn from the programme itself but learn from each other too. I would highly recommend Launch Academy to anyone considering a new business offering in offshore wind.”

Richard Knox, CEO of Verlume.