Published 28 April 2023

VRAI combines virtual reality and artificial intelligence to make simulation training more authentic, memorable and measurable. With vast experience in virtual reality simulation training, VRAI has produced training for multiple high hazard environments within industries such as defence and aviation.

The technology

Wearing a light and portable VR headset, users undertake realistic training and apply their learning in a simulated offshore environment. Training modules, specifically focused upon the offshore wind industry, include the offshore maintenance of wind turbines, medical evacuations from offshore turbines, fire and other hazards. As a result of employing VRAI’s technology, workers will be more prepared to undertake work in risky, remote and dangerous environments. The training data is analysed automatically, with results available almost immediately.

Experience with Launch Academy

ORE Catapult’s Launch Academy supports innovators who have near-to-market solutions that will enhance the UK’s offshore wind industry. VRAI has created the first data-driven virtual reality fire awareness training simulation that is tailored to Global Wind Organisation standards.

Since joining Launch Academy, VRAI has won two significant awards from Innovate UK and Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP), each presenting VRAI with more than £400k of funding and global partnership opportunities.

VRAI’s goal is to provide simulation training to organisations and industries that would not usually be able to afford such technology. By offering standalone headsets (no pc required) and cloud-based solutions, which can be paid for on a per-use basis, VRAI provides industries that could not usually consider simulation an opportunity to explore the benefits of immersive training.

The team continues to grow and recently recruited seven new team members in the UK, bringing their staff complement to eight. The VRAI team has now set its sights on expansion; they hope to continue growing the team with top talent and become the market leader in data-driven VR simulation.


Chris Del Valle

Chris Del Valle

Innovation Manager - Accelerators
