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First Marine Solutions

Published 14 November 2023

First Marine Solutions (FMS) provides a fully integrated service that has developed considerably over the past three years to include mooring solutions, equipment rental and procurement, survey and positioning, project management, design and draughting, engineering consultancy, marine assurance and consultancy, and comprehensive project management.  The company is based in Aberdeen. 

The technology

In 2022, FMS installed 350 mooring lines, deployed 300 miles (480,000 metres) of equipment, and clocked up 4,000 personnel hours offshore – from the North Sea to West Africa and the US, making FMS the busiest Mooring Consultancy in Europe.

Why is this technology needed?

After applying decades of mooring system and marine experience within the offshore oil and gas industry, First Marine Solutions is fast developing its track record in floating offshore wind and gaining a reputation for its innovative approach.

FMS’ existing operational expertise is 100% transferable to the floating offshore wind industry, and its team of engineers, naval architects and product developers are used by organisations at the forefront of renewable energy innovation and research – including ORE Catapult.

Recent activity includes the provision of an installation solution for a prototype grid connected 500kW wind turbine unit and several design, cost, timing, and methodology studies for permanent offshore wind moorings.

How did you get involved with ORE Catapult?

First Marine Solutions has been a supporter of ORE Catapult since its inception, recognising its ability to assist the UK supply chain in preparing to bid for work in the offshore renewable energy sector.

FMS’ successful completion of ORE Catapult’s Fit 4 Offshore Renewables programme underlined its commitment to delivering a single source provider of wind turbine mooring solutions.

FMS is also proud to have supported ORE Catapult’s Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence with the PR6 national study for mooring and anchor systems. Including mooring lines, anchors, connectors, ancillaries, the work reviewed commonality between design requirements for UK projects, identifying technology gaps with the objective of preparing the UK supply chain with upcoming opportunities.

Success so far…

Over the past year, FMS’ Glasgow-based Renewables team has doubled in size and has future growth in mind, having recently moved into larger premises.

The company is working on various projects and has completed multiple permanent Mooring Studies for clients in the UK and around the globe, with further significant R&D work in the pipeline.

Where does FMS see the company in five years’ time?

“Renewable energy is such a positive sector to be involved in – it genuinely feels that the growth is exponential, and the pace of development is incredible.

“FMS is putting its innovative and practical capabilities into play for every client and answering a different challenge each time. As we do so over the coming year, we aim to grow our Renewable team and the volume of clients, as we develop our track record and expertise in answering those challenges ever more efficiently and cost-effectively.

“For us, there is an obvious focus on the offshore wind industry. The transfer of our capabilities is straightforward, and our experience can bring considerable efficiencies to offshore wind projects.

“A key challenge for the offshore wind industry is going to sit with the supply chain’s capacity to provide required equipment – early engagement from the operators will be critical. We’ve been highlighting this for several years and many companies are very aware of the situation – but until the question of finance is resolved, their hands are tied. We anticipate the supply chain, including FMS, will be able to fill their order books easily, but due to the sheer scale of assets required, there will undoubtedly be a backlog for the wider offshore wind sector to consider.

“To that end, we are committed to growing our team across all services, to ensure we are undertaking and completing projects in our trademark, time-efficient manner, which draws upon our supply chain network and our inherent agility.”


“First Marine Solutions has been a supporter of ORE Catapult since its inception, recognising its ability to assist the UK supply chain in preparing to bid for work in the offshore renewable energy sector.”

Steven Brown, Managing Director at First Marine Solutions