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THREE60 Energy

Published 25 October 2022

THREE60 Energy is an independent energy services company headquartered in Aberdeen, UK, with offices in the UK, Norway, South East Asia, Australia and the USA.

The company’s heritage is oil and gas and this acquired experience and expertise is now being transferred and deployed across the energy transition. THREE60’s capability offers energy asset owners solutions in Decarbonisation, Decommissioning, CCS, Wind, Geothermal, Nuclear and Hydrogen. THREE60’s purpose is to deliver Better Energy Together.

The Fit 4 Offshore Renewables Journey

To become more competitive in the offshore renewables industry, THREE60 Energy took part in the Fit 4 Offshore Renewables (F4OR) programme as part of a cohort of businesses in the North East Scotland region. Assessment was made and support provided across the programme’s two key strands – the first focused on core business management systems, and the second focused on key competences required for success in the offshore renewable energy industry.

THREE60 found the programme to be of huge value as they had the opportunity to learn about the wind sector and significantly enhance their specific understanding of the lifecycle and challenges of an offshore wind farm development. The process also enhanced their understanding of the potential involvement the sector offers the supply chain. As part of the first cohort, it introduced the business to a broader network of likeminded businesses, while the sector specific advisor underlined and demonstrated the importance placed on effective collaboration within offshore wind.

Matthew Christie, Business Development Director at Three60 Energy said:

“The F4OR programme enabled many THREE60 personnel to develop their understanding of the sector. This enhanced knowledge and the information provided informed the overall and individual business units strategy development. The programme helped THREE60 understand its place and has informed strategic developments and acquisitions in wind. Without our involvement in the programme, we would not be in such a strong position as we are to enter this new market.”

Business Success

In April 2022, THREE60 Energy achieved ‘Granted Status’ from the F4OR programme and with this support, THREE60 Energy has further developed and enhanced its commitment to increasing its business in offshore and onshore wind. The EPCC business has developed a strong and compelling collaborative offering with fellow cohort members Dron & Dickson, that has generated exciting conversations and opportunities. THREE60 has also made a strategic acquisition in an onshore wind O&M business, to develop the offering and combine it with THREE60’s proven offshore capability to take it into the offshore wind sector.

The Future

Support from the F4OR programme places THREE60 Energy on a strong competitive footing to win more work in the offshore renewable energy industry. It will enable the company to harness the enhanced understanding of the offshore wind sector and apply the full depth of oil and gas knowledge to deliver and realise additional knowledge and solutions in offshore wind, in the UK and internationally.


Andrew Stormonth-Darling

Andrew Stormonth-Darling

Principal Portfolio Manager – Floating Wind
