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TLP Wind

Published 13 June 2018

Driving the development of floating wind platforms tailor-made for UK waters

ORE Catapult and the University of Strathclyde partnered Iberdrola Engineering & Construction in this project, focused on developing 5MW Tension Leg Platforms (TLP) floating technology for offshore wind turbines tailored for UK waters.

The Aberdeen coast was selected as one of the most suitable sites for TLPWIND® deployment, with an average water depth of 80m, and used as the reference location for the project. Levelised Cost of Energy (LCoE) calculations were carried out for representative sites as well as an extensive basin test campaign using scale models.

The outcome

TLPWIND® technology was successfully proven, able to adapt to variable site conditions and demonstrating exceptional dynamic behaviour with very low displacements and almost no rotations. Its lightweight and simple geometry lends itself to standardised manufacturing processes and extremely competitive LCoE levels.