
Supply Chain Growth

Behind every successful industry is a strong, competitive supply chain of businesses providing the innovations, products and services needed to make that sector a global success story. As low-carbon, clean, green energy generation matures as a UK industrial and global success story, we must ensure that we are well positioned to make the most of the huge opportunities on offer for a world-class supply chain developed in the UK and supplying to the world.

To do so, ORE Catapult is spearheading the renewable energy supply chain growth through the development of a number of industry programmes:

Spotlight: The UK Offshore Renewables Supply Chain

Learn more about the latest news, insights and announcements from our supply chain growth programmes in our Spotlight on Supply Chain campaign.


Learn more about Spotlight

Offshore Wind Growth Partnership

The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) is a long-term business transformation programme that has been established as part of the UK Offshore Wind Sector Deal. It promotes closer collaboration across the supply chain, implements structured productivity improvement programmes, and facilitates shared growth opportunities between developers and the supply chain.

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Fit 4 Offshore Renewables

Fit for Offshore Renewables (F4OR) is a unique service to help the UK supply chain bid for work in the offshore renewable energy sector. The objective of the programme is to support the development of an increasingly competent, capable and competitive UK offshore renewable energy supply chain – maximising opportunity for the UK supply chain, both domestically and globally.

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FLOWB is a strategic Floating Wind Supply Chain Acceleration Programme led by ORE Catapult in conjunction with Innovate UK. FLOWB is helping UK Entities to establish links and commercial opportunities in the United States and helping to accelerate the research and development phases of their Floating Offshore Wind Supply Chain technologies.

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Technology, Innovation & Green Growth for Offshore Renewables (TIGGOR)

A programme designed to boost supply chain growth and productivity in the North of Tyne and wider North East England region’s offshore wind and subsea sectors

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Supply Chain Offering Brochure

Learn more about ORE Catapult’s supply chain offering and how we can support your journey to commercialisation.


Offshore Wind Growth Partnership

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Fit 4 Offshore Renewables

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TUS-ORE Catapult Research Centre (TORC)

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Technology, Innovation & Green Growth for Offshore Renewables (TIGGOR)

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More in What We Do


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Testing & Validation

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